Every student has different flaws in SAT Reading. Some people don't have good strategies for tackling the passage questions. Others don't manage their time correctly and run out of time before getting through all the questions.
Here's how you can figure out which one applies more to you:
Find an official SAT practice test, and take only the Reading section. We have the complete list of free practice tests here.
For each section, use a timer and have it count down the 65 minutes for the Reading section. Treat it like a real test.
If time runs out for that section and you're 100% ready to move on, then move on. If you're not ready to move on, keep on working for as long as you need. For every new answer or answer that you change, mark it with a special note as "Extra Time."
When you're ready, grade your test using the answer key and score chart, but we want two scores:
1) The Realistic score you got under normal timing conditions,
2) The Extra Time score. This is why you marked the questions you answered or changed during Extra Time.
Get what we're doing here? By marking which questions you did under Extra Time, we can figure out what score you got if you were given all the time you needed. This will help us figure out where your weaknesses lie.
Here's a flowchart to help you figure this out:
Was your Extra Time score a 35 or above?
If NO (Extra Time score < 35), then you have strategy and content weaknesses. All the extra time in the world couldn't get you above a 35, so your first angle of attack will be to find your weaknesses and attack them (We'll cover this later).
If YES (Extra Time score > 35), then:
Was your Realistic score a 35 or above?